CowPots #3 Round
CowPots- The pots you plant.
#3 Round pack of 12
CowPots are a 100% American made product. Made from 100% composted cow manure. CowPots are 100% biodegradable and renewable, plantable replacement for plastic pots. CowPots can last for several months in a greenhouse or outdoor setting. Roots easily penetrate the walls of the pot, eliminating transplant shock, and they rapidly breakdown after transplanting providing the goodness of manure to the garden. With no plastic to clean up or dispose of, transplanting is quick and convenient.
Please note with this product: (When Ordering Quantities of 13 or more email for price and shipping cost before placing order on on the site)
Fill CowPots with potting soil mix and plant seeds (according to directions on the seed packet)
Make sure to use the appropriate size CowPots when planting. CowPots turn dark brown when wet, and light brown when its time to water again!
When seedlings are ready for planting, place entire CowPots into soil, cover and water. Do not break up the CowPot.(Roots are waiting for contact with soil to continue to grow,
breaking the pot will damage the roots creating transplant shock)
Plant entire CowPots and cover completely with soil.